A hot Bovril camel? by Sheila

camel picture

I joined the Nordic Walking East Kent group again at the weekend, as I want to be sure my technique is up to scratch.  There are so many different things to remember – how to walk (using your whole foot), how to hold the poles (like ice cream cones) how to use your arms (straight) etc, etc. The conversation got around to camels.  See blog for 13th February: a camel is the water container you have in your day pack, and you can sip from it through a straw as you walk.  I had wondered if it was possible, when it was freezing weather, to put hot water in, if it was made from rubber, or similar material.  Anne, always a fount of good common sense, said of course it must be: hot water bottles are made of rubber and you put near boiling water into them.  Someone else in the Nordic Walking Group suggested that maybe you could put hot tea into your camel.  Anne had the idea of adding a bit of gin to the tea, to avoid the risk of it freezing.  However it was generally considered that this might not be a great aid to hydration!  I then remembered that we put salt on our garden path to stop it freezing – so would hot Bovril be the answer?